I just finished the chemistry test today, and I must admit that it was a bit harder than I thought it would be. There were a bunch of non-calculation based questions that had me scratching my head. Luckily the free-response section was a breeze... Especially the bond geometry problem. That one made me laugh aloud...
Soooo.... Now that everyone else is probably done, I wanna know what all you guys took, and how you did on them. I had 5: English lang and comp, Comp Sci A, US History, Physics B, and Chem. I felt pretty confident on all of them, but I'm not exactly sure how I did... Anyway, how'd you all do?
I'm not done yet. I still got to take APUSH on the 18th. Since I have ChemAP 6th period, and the half-hour after 1:30pm is usually my sleepiest time of the day, I drifted off a lot in that class. It was an easy class, since most of the times we and the teacher need to figure out stuff together. Anyway, I was definitely not competent until last night. I skim through almost all the chapters in the Zumdahl book and last 3 years' AP free-response questions. I at least felt a bit more competent and confident. I skipped 8 multiple choice, and on the thermochem question, when I was calculating deltaG, I plugged in the wrong deltaH, and got a HUGE HUGE k. My answers were wrong, but I put the correct formula in there. Do they give you partial credit for that?
On the one you've mentioned, I blew it. On the review the previously night, I skipped the bonding chapter because I DON'T LIKE BONDING! I put something about polarization and London dispersion on there...
I was astonished when I talked to ppl at State because they were taking freakin 7 or 8 AP tests. When I asked about it, they said their school pays for it. Our school don't give a damn, and we got to pay $44 for every test. And the school budget people think they lack funding for AP test because we don't have enough people taking it. Talk about cause-effect and the education of mediocrity. Zack, does your school pay for everything?
HELL NO. We have to pay the full 52 fee!!! That pisses me off. I can't believe other schools would pay their student to do AP tests. That just gives the student less incentive to study, right? ug.
Have you looked at all the AP scholar stuff? I browsed through the various levels of scholar you can become last night and apparently, I'll fall just 2 shy of being a national scholar by my senior year, which bites. Even if I do make it the following year, WHO CARES. Colleges will have already made their decisions by about six months before the time the scores come out. Hopefully I'll get the distinquished level of acheivement; that'd be cool.
Anyway, on that thermochem problem you were talking about, you should earn about half credit. You were probably on the right track, but made a computational error somewhere or something trivial like that. I can't tell you what the answer was, because I did the other problem, which of course was on bonding. It was soooo easy! All you had to do was draw a lewis dot structre, state its hybridazation, state its geometry, and then answer some question about bond angles. I thought about doing the thermochem, but I was running out of time, and I could tell that #8 was easier.
I bet you got a 5. Most people that do concious self-study like what you explained tend to do better than the kids that just take the class, especially when the class fails to cover some of the material tested by the exam. Thats why I'm gonna study so hard over the summer in math. I need to get into tip top mathematical shape before I take on the Calc BC test. Our school doesnt even offer a class for the BC test, so most of what I'll have to do during the school year will have to be self-study
- Zack -
PS I've started my Number Sense routine (the other subjects will have to wait until after finals), and I AM WAAAAAY outta shape in ns. I'm sooo slow. I'm not making it to 40 at all. But I guess thats what happens when you havent practiced for so long. I refuse to be discouraged though. Low scores just mean that I need more practice!
A 5 on Chem???!!! Hey, I did consciously study, but that was ONE NIGHT -- about 6 hours and that's it! I mean, we do reaction tests throughout the year, and we talk over the chapters, but homeworks were seldom assigned. It was the easiest science class in our school. I really hope that I learned something, even though I fear I didn't. That night cleared up some of the stuff though. And bonding and hybridization was the chapter that I skipped. I do believe that stuff is not hard but I just didn't feel like learning it and so I didn't. I did #8 and thought it was fun. The one I blew on was the intermolecular organic chem question (not a big fan of organics either). That one's weird because the latter two part of it were just plain stupid.
I did look at the AP scholar thing. I'd probably make a 3 on English and APUSH which automatically disqualify me from like the top 5 levels...
You got to pay 8 dollars more per test? Sssssk, well hell, that sucks.
I need to self-study CalBC too. The school does offer it and my cal teacher does know what she's doing, it's just that we don't have enough people taking it so the school put it with CalAB, and since her main focus will be on the 20-people calAB (the number doesn't mean that those taking the course deserve it) instead of the 2-people calBC (there will also be a few taking Statistics too), I doubt I will receive adequate instructions. I think I will still do fine.
Good to hear you started your NS routine. You'll be in shape pretty soon. I'm going to take the month off, but I'm ready to discuss shortcuts.
There's this silly post in the TCM forum -- a girl (I hope) talked about her obsession with Chris and how HOT he is. It's just funny.
Haha... Yeah, I saw that post. I wonder if the post was sincere. I mean, it could've been some NSer that was bitter about losing to Chris so many times that they posted it, or maybe it was just a randy math girl. Either way, its still funny.
Well, if you dont get a 5, you'll probably get a 4. The graders of the AP Chem test are by reputation known for giving out 4s and 5s to people that get exactly half the test right as is the same for the AP Physics B test. So if that gives you any comfort, I'm happy.
Now that I think about it, ALL of the AP tests are benevolent in their grading. Last year, I took the AP World Area Studies test coming into it without paying attention the entire year. I didnt study until the night before, and I was able to manage a 4. I'm still shocked that I got a 4... especially when I was only had a clue on one of the 3 essays that we had to do... AND THAT WAS THE FREAKIN DBQ! So yeah, you should be fine.
I seriously can't wait for school to be out. I've reached that point in the year where I have to really force myself to keep working, and I'm scared that it might affect my GPA, which is exactly what I dont need, since I've just clawed my way up to 3rd in the class and I intend on catching number 2 by the midpoint of the senior year.
Just 10 more days....
Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you something. I have these NS tests made by UIL that are titled: 990A 9802 and 9901... I was wondering where these tests came from? And what years were they made in? Is it the first 2 numbers?
Alright, I just got back from Fiesta Texas in San Antone. SUPERMAN ROCKS!! ... It was our annual school trip for students in Pre-CalPAP or above and/or in PhysicsPAP. Still, we got ALL KINDS of people that came. A lot of other schools have trips there too; anyway, surrounded by jocks from other schools, I felt a bit better for our school because our school at least shows SOME appreciation for us academians.
I did the geekiest thing ever. Before I rode the Poltergeist, I asked my friend who was going to sit beside me to pop out random 2-digit numbers during the ride(believe me, when you were being tossed and turned, it's impossible to not be random) so I could square them on the spot. IT WAS SO FUN. I wonder what those jocks that sat behind us were thinking, ha.
Well, the funny thing about that post about Chris was not just the true purpose of it or the fact that it sounded silly. What really cracked me up was not when I was reading the crazy girl's post, but seeing guys nodding and agreeing to it(Aaron and Michael posted before me). So I added my own share. However, if you've met Chris (have you?), you'd know it was not posted because of jealousy.
I like the word "randy," learned it from the Grapes of Wrath.
And what in the world is AP World Area Studies? And it has a DBQ, too?
As to the title of those UIL tests, starting some year in the 1960s (probably 1966), they started to use the title AA, BB, CC, DD... and in the 92-93 season it was ZZ. Starting from 93-94 season, the title become season-indicating like 934, 945...989, 990, until the last of Don Skow's tests, 201. Starting 2002, they start using the currect title system. Usually there're 7 tests per year: SAC, A(InvA), B(InvB), 1(Dis1), 2(Dis2), 3(Rgnl), 4(St). I read in the booklet passed out every year at State that UIL NS started in the 1944, and it probably started with single capitals until they were exhausted in the 60s. Did that clear it up?
I'm currently #2 in my class and I hope I'm catching up. Come on, Zack, salutatorianship is not good enough for ya.
Haha!! Thats great! Its like that game show, "Distraction" where you have to answer simpple questions while people pour scorpians down your pants, except with roller coaters. Its been so long since I've been to a theme park... I think the last time I went to Fiesta Texas was on a choir trip a few years back, and I definately think that particular field trip was the best I've ever been on (much better than the trips to Gatti town that the UIL sponsors rewarded us with back in middle school). We all brought our bathing suits, and had a blast in the water park. The only low point in the day came when I pantzed this jerk that was being exceedingly rude to some of my female friends, and I had to sit the remaining hour or so out with the teachers. But, all in all, it was a good trip.
I've met Chris once before, and he seems like a nice guy. He asked our team at region where we were from, and I replied that it didnt matter, because he would bury us by 200 points in all the math contests anyway. He chuckled at that, and I asked him what they did to get so freaking good at Number Sense, and he said that he personally got really proficient from self-study: like 3 tests a day coupled with math, accounting, and calc study. He also mentioned that his team came in at lunch everyday and took a test together. I must admit that he knows what he's doing in UIL. He freaking placed in 4/4 events!
World Area Studies is actually called World History, I think... Our school named the AP course that we took as sophomores World Area Studies, and I can never remember to call the test we took the AP World History exam.
Wow! I had no idea that NS has been around since the 40s! Thats crazy! I think that its pretty cool that the test hasnt changed too much in its general nature over the last 60 years. I've taken a few of those letter series tests, and a bunch of the shortcuts that appeared on those test appear on todays test, which I also find to be pretty cool. There are some intriguing questions that they have taken out that I wish that the new tests would revive, though.
At our school, the valedictorian is 7 full points (on the 0-100 scale) ahead of the current sally, which is .5 points ahead of me. Soo... I'm thinking the best I can do is 2nd in the class, which to me doesnt sound bad at all! I just kinda wish I hadnt been so lazy last year and the year before in english and history... Those B's really brought my GPA down. ARRGH!
And one last question about the old tests. How many tests did they put out per season back in the 90s? Is it 6 season like they do today? Or is it more?
man...i should've visited here more often... LOL, yeah...i am the one who took 7 ap exams...cuz my school covers everything...so i was like "hey, free, why not take them?" about the Chris post...i know at least 2 or 3 girls who think he's hot... and about vale or sal...i am sal, need to work on my speech some time, our vale is .6 ahead of my on an 18 pt scale....
Goodness, you watch Distractions? Comedy Central is the incubator for perversions. Not that I don't like the channel, but some shows on there lowers your IQ and EQ. Not that it's a problem, most American TV shows do('cept Discovery, History, and TLC). Not that it bothers me, I really like some of them, like Larry the Cable Guy, a fact which most people find shocking... But it is kind of pathetic to see the trend of TV becomes low-down shows that make you feel good about yourself watching them.
I do watch Distraction sometimes.
I don't think the lunch test thing is going to work out with us because it means NOT EATING LUNCH AT ALL, but his team training works obviously wonderfully; it activates the full potential of every one in his team, and that is another reason why I believe Chris is a genius for NS because his teammembers must be as devoted as him but they are not scoring as high.
Yes, working with old tests is fun. There are some very nice shortcuts like the difference between the squares of triangular numbers n and n-1 is the cube of the n and so on. Don't you worry about the revival of those old shortcuts, Mr. White will reconjure them up at the most unexpected times.
Well, the difference between me and the vale is .01 on a weighted 4.0 scale, so we'll see. What kind of people are you guys's vale's? Quincy, is yours an ABC?
Finally to answer your question, Zack. There're 7 tests per year, and their names correspond with their current ones in the parentheses: SAC, A(InvA), B(InvB), 1(Dis1), 2(Dis2), 3(Rgnl), 4(St).
Well... I've only seen that show once. I seriously don't watch too much cable. I just dont have the time, with sports, school, and my gf to keep me distracted. I guess thats a good thing... But I really hate it when I miss pop culture references that people are all laughing at, because it makes me feel stupid when I stare vacantly at them. Eh, doesnt happen too often though.
Ugh... I forgot about the SAC tests! I almost had it right!
Oh yeah... And our Valedictorian is a white guy as well. He's probably going to go to Harvard or Princeton or something neat. The guy has won pretty much every academic award that I can think of, and he's en route to entering the premier level or Champions league level of tennis. KRRREAZY! The only problem is that the UIL event he competes in is Social Studies, which conflicts with the only other UIL contest that he'd be willing to take: math. I kinda wish he'd join our math team. We could really use him.
I forgot, have you convinced your sponsor to do TMSCA and AMC next year, Sam?
I guess the lack of knowledge on popculture does isolate you in high school. But I think it'll get better in college since people say you'll find more people that are exactly like you there. But think of it this way, how many of those who talk popculture all the time have as many medals as you do? Mr. White once spelled "nerd" B-O-S-S, and you're way better than a nerd.
My vale is an ABC. He skipped Geometry and Pre-Cal, so he took CalBC as a junior. I was behind mainly because I took ESL and regular English in my freshman year. Our schedule this year happened to be exactly the same.
I don't think convincing my coach is as important as convincing the principal, who is in control of the money. We are going to have a banquet for UIL next week, and I may bring up the topic. My coach, moreover, seems to have problems with TMSCA State being on springbreak weekends(that's why she didn't want to go this year). So I will try my best.
Anyways, I was thinking about that post you had on texasmath, and I must say that I agree with you. Its not fair that better colleges are offering greater oppurtunity to certain minorities and not others especially the Asian community... But here's the kicker: they view both mexicans and blacks as financially inferior to Asians. Which on the most part is true. What sux is the fact that its the rich African Americans and Hispanics that get in on AA as well. They're the only ones I disagree with for offering AA to, and yet, they're probably the largest group of beneficiaries. I disagree because there's plenty of people out there that can't enjoy the fruits of AA that deserve it more. AA should be giving more oppurtunity to those that cant afford it, not to those who can afford to buy their kids Mercedes for their 1st car.
I dunno... The more I type, the more I sound like a biggoted white guy, and I'm not! I just dont think that Asians or anyone else with a fair complexion should be denied into MIT when they might be more deserving than a black or hispanic who does get in... Is that a fair statement?
ANYWAYS... I hope that you are able to convince your principal to come. It'll make TMSCA State a whole lot more interesting with you in the picture.
Don't get me wrong here. I think Chris absolutely deserves to be in MIT. If I didn't make myself clear that I was generalizing at the first place, I apologize.
I don't think you sounded like a bigoted white guy at all. What you said is how things are supposed to happen. However, like every other social issues of today, it's inextricably complicated. It's so hard to draw the line between those that deserve AA and those that don't (either because they are financially independent, stable, and thriving or because they're incorrigible); there're always exceptions, and it's just impossible to assess every one of those asking for help. Such assessment, though impossible to be thoroughly completed, can be better executed through the locals, but the current corrupt political environment causes concern on the outcome of the money. I think assessments still need to be done and a line still needs to be drawn even if the it doesn't cover certain minority(then hopefully there will be new and specific policy for them, but that means expanding bureaucracy... Nevertheless) because I tend to believe that a society that can consider EVERY ONE of its members is utopian; helping the majority is certainly possible and is what we need to do.
I don't think MIT is discriminating against us because 3 out 10 MITers are Asian. That's A LOT! I have to admit that it is partly due to the high standards we set for ourselves. We can't say other minorities that got in don't deserve MIT because they are not up to its par. Maybe in some cases they are not, but we can't deny their right and chance to self-advancement. After all, education is better'n no education; "no child should be left behind."
Our banquet thing is on Wed. The principal is likely to procrastinate or be equivocal or dump the whole thing on somebody else. I have to carefully word out my intention. We've been on good terms though, the result are not likely to be disastrous.
I agree with both posts by hungry, at least sometimes. But man, seriously, post something more intelligent next time.
Yeah, I agree with Sam... Hungry needs to post more than just "UIL SUX!!!" If you want to get some sort of angry response out of us, you need to be a bit more specific. UIL itself is just the University Interscholastic League, which houses alot more than just academics. UIL hosts a wide variety of High School sports as well as academics. So if you're trying to rag on UIL, then you're ragging on Texas High School competition as well. I dont mind that, because compeitition itself elicits obsession, hate, and all sorts of bad juju. So yeah, "UIL SUX!!!" is a valid statement, but I would like to hear a rationality to go with it.
I'd like to say something about college admissions... The entire system is inherently flawed. Its impossible to really make college admissions fair, because decision will always be arbitrary. Its impossible tp know beforehand what a college is looking for, so everyone gets all bent out of shape trying to make themselves become what they think the colleges want when in reality it was probably better to just be honest - especially with schools like MIT. The whole process kind of depresses me because its so freaking overwhelming. You get one shot to throw your very life at the admissions commitee's feet and hope that they accept you, and if it doesnt work... well... there's always UT. >.<
I try to ignore that kind of stuff, but college is right around the corner, and I cant help but feel a certain level of immediacy. Ah... Whatever.
Just 8 more days of school, and then its off to Colorodo for Future Problem Solving Internationals!!\
For a moment later on that Regional day I really thought UIL sucked. Did I tell you that story? 32, THIRTY-TWO POINTS, were lost from one of my teammates score because some STUPID GRADER (A COACH TOO) thought for Math you get FIVE points for every correct answer. Well, my poor teammate got 32 correct and because of that he lost 32 points and dropped from 8th to 12th. Moreover, our team score went down as well. And we did not find out about it until after the verification because we took those grading coaches' competence and awareness for the rules for granted. So 2 o'clock that night I had to mail Mr. White asking for guidance even though I knew it was too late; Mr. White agreed with me and apologized for being unable to help. He also said that even if we file a formal protest, all UIL's gonna do is simply giving the Region a notice telling them to be careful next time. Well, HELL.
If what colleges advocate and want is all-rounded-ness, then I think there's nothing wrong about students changing themselves to adapt to colleges' requirements. Maybe I'm too optimistic because I came from a country where the only criterion for college admission is an annual nationwide standardized test. If I'm still in China, I wouldn't be inspired to run crosscountry and do community service. I would just be a 120-pound, devastatingly myopic, and helplessly hopeless bookworm. And people in America shouldn't even whine about the their pressure before witnessing or experiencing what their counterparts in other developing countries are going through. For hundreds of thousands of Chinese students who didn't do well in that freaking college-entrance exam, there's no UT for them go.