I had an idea that might help with the new format on the number sense test. Maybe you guys will like it, maybe you'll think it's stupid; either way, here goes...
why don't we all each make one number sense test, following very closely the format of the A and B invitational test, or the district test, if someone can find them.
If we all do that, each of us should have 6 or 7 "new-format" tests to practice on.
i think it is a great idea(if we can get enough ppl), and i believe this is a great way to prepare for regional, i'll try to make one for you throughout this wk(it may take a few days cuz i am really busy lately, but i should have it b4 this sunday). All invitationals are on texasmath.org, and we should be able to get our district tests from our coahces (at least i got them back today w/ the answer key), i'll make one based on the district test, and can you make one for me too(based on the distrct test)? Here's my email and everything else:
I love the idea! I'll make the test by Sunday. The district tests will be available on texasmath in a few days. I was hoping that someone here would prepose something like this; I think it would be truely and utterly helpful. Be sure to reverse the orders of the numbers and to make each test slightly more difficult than district. That'll prepare everyone here very well. Once you begin making the test, you begin to get inside the repetative mind of Larry White.
Hey guys - if some of you are going to make up a test, I'd like to ask whether anyone has a Number Sense test "template" that they can send out to the other guys to use when creating the tests. Also I'd be interested in a copy of any template which is available. Thanks.
I will do my best to create at least 1 if not more tests for the regionals. If anyone does make a test, or even a partial test, email them to me and I will put them on the server and post them for all to download.
As to your question, mathman, I don't think there is really a template out there per say, but I just just use 2 columns and use MathType to make the questions. Works really well.