Hey guys,
Sorry for what I hope to be severe ignorance but here you go: SUBSETS!!!
I've seen two stratigies for this problem and I've racked my mind trying to come up with an answer.
1. How many proper subsets are in Set A {a,b,c,d}?
answer : 4 numbers---> 2^4 ---> 16
2. How many proper subsets are in Set A {a,b,c,d}?
answer : 4 numbers ----> 2^4 -1--->15
Is the answer 15 or 16? Leo Ramirez's book points to 16. The SAC answer is 15.
Sorry to waste your time...
15...100% sure, just checked online...ppl make mistakes...at least dr.numsen does.
Thanks man. The question was really driving me nuts.
If you are just looking for the number of subsets for an "N" element set, then the formula is 2^n;
However, if you're looking for PROPER SUBSETS, which means all subsets except itself (or is it the null set?), then you take 2^N - 1