it's at the bottom of the page, it'd be interesting to see how everyone scores, because some of the questions are insanely easy and others are insanely hard.
haven't practiced in some time, too. i have no time...ap biology and anatomy is killing my brain and time. We're going to A&M next wk, it's gonna be our last invitational (the last is the best) b4 district, it's gonna be all good...
Wow - That is not an easy test and this is the first one that I have taken for real in about 5 yrs. I thought I would have done better but I only scored a 274. I got to question 71 and missed 9. That was pretty dang hard.
Wow... That test was insanely difficult. I thought that I'd never go so slowly through a Dr. N test. I failed miserably with a 155. Sadly enough, that kinda score will win me a first in my crappy 4a district. This is my first year in number sense and I hope to squeak in at region. My invite scores arnt too impressive (215 and 223) but I am getting better. Does anyone in here know what kinda scores I need to get through Region IV in 4A? And while I am wasting your time, are there any Social Studies or Science people in the house?
i was in 4A last yr too and my district was insanely easy, i think i scored in the 170s and still got 1st place. i don't know exactly wut you need to score to win in region IV 4A because i am not in 4A anymore. But based on wut i saw last year psja memorial has a great calculator team and a solid number sense team...if that helps any. i don't do social studies but i do science and i am only good at biology.
Cool! I thank you for caring, at least for the moment. What school do you go to? I might see you somewhere in the future. I dont think that a novice sophamore such as myself will make it through my region this year, mainly because I arbitrarily decided to learn number sense over spring break... My high score went from a 72 (without knowing anything at all) to an awesomely awesome 223 (what a modest mouse am i...), just from using the resources off of this website. Honestly my average is around a 150, and thats without the pressure of competition looming about. I'd say that I am proud of my 150, especially because it shows that I did not waste spring break kicking things against my wall. I've got next summer to hone my skills. Until then, I hope to see ya at state... anonymous.