What do you guys think problem #1 will be. lol. 70772222-20227777. I can see that. I would probably have a mild heart attack if i saw that when i opened my test. Anyways, seriously, what numbers stand out to yall from this years tests that may be on the state test. I have memorized my powers of 11 to 6. lol. Umm....stuff like 539*13. hmmm.....this is what number 60 is gona be:
Hehe...i love trying to guess what could be on tests. That is a little too outrageous. Or is it? lol. I just wanted to know what everyone else is thinking of the test while preparing for it.
I haven't heard of anyone preparing for state as enthusiastically as you. I'm really not being mean here, or even trying to. But I think rather than spending my energy and time to guess what problem will be on the State test, I'd do more practice test. From my experience, #1 of the State test will not be as crazy as you proposed. And think about this, why bother to spend minutes pondering and making predictions on an NS question when you'll actually spend only a few seconds on it? I never tried to guess what's in Mr. White mind; had I done so, I'd've given it up a long time ago.... and, yes, if the 1st problem is as you proposed, I'd have heart attack as well, and a most definitely a major one, lol.
Pinpointing unfamiliar techniques is a very good way to prep for State. Since you never know what the twists are, all you can and need to do is studying existing ones. 75^6*25^11/50^3 is quite a headache, even in pressureless circumstances.
I daresay I've let myself go since Regionals--haven't done a thing on UIL. But I'll get a grip on myself today. I have almost 3 months worth of Dr. Numsen tests waiting. Hope I'll get them all done in 14 days.
Like sam... i've slacked off since regional :( i need to start taking tons of tests! Our school district has monday (23rd) off... so I'm probably gonna go crazy and take like 10 tests that day :D
Lol. sry sam...i'm just goofing around. I'm really not trying to predict what questions will be on the test. LOL. I am just trying to make all this studying (and learning) a little lighter. I took 4 numbersense tests today. I took the 04-05 UIL State test. It is fricking hard! I only managed to make a 213. Ugh. O well. I made a 262 on the 04-05 TMSCA State test. Practice scores doesn't mean much, but oh well.
Uh-huh, Economical number is a good prediction. But we already know how to do them, so no biggie. Economical(Frugal) Numbers are brother of Equidigital and Extravagant(Wasteful). If the number has fewer prime factors than does digits, then it's economical. Vice Versa, extravagant; neither, equidigital.
Okay. Thanks. Economical numbers huh. Mr White has used: Happy Lucky Extravagant Deficient Abundant Perfect Happy prime and i don't know what else...economical hasn't been used yet, so thats a great prediction. I think i will just memorize the first few. I understand the definition...but to save time i will just memorize them. the first few are 125,128, 243, and 256 correct? Do you think that a bigger number would be on the test?