I am very proud of all of my scores. Y'all probably know them all by now, but I'll go ahead and post them anyway with commentary just because I want to.
NS: 55/11 --> 176 I'm kind of curious as to how you felt about this test Brad. Personally, I felt that it was a faster test for me. I went through problems quickly, and felt accurate dirung the contest. But... there were a bunch of problems on the test that leant themselves to be harder than they appeared. Because of this, I missed 11 that I prolly shouldnt have missed. I didnt get to see the harder problems in the 60-80 range, so my assessment of the test may not be entirely accurate. My score here was lower than what I wanted it to be. I need to be scoring 220+ in order to beat FB at Region, and its looking more and more bleak. I am practicing though, with my 3-4 tests a night ritual. Arg, I really want to go to state in NS!
CA: 70/15 (1SD) ---> 243. BEST SCORE OF MY CALC CAREER! I hope to keep these kinds of numbers going into regionals and beyond. I do, however realize that this test was kind of easy. The calc problems were easy, and so were the geometry. I really liked this test. I havent seen a 4A calc score around here from district yet, so I'm thinking that I might be able to break through region in this event this year.
MA: 45/5 --> 230. I was pleased with this result. It was the last test of the day, and I really, really wanted to go to sleep... The test here was mildly challenging in that it resembled the TMSCA STATE test, but in all other respects, it was normal. I decided not to skip ahead to look for more problems until 5:00 minutes were left in the test. This strategy turned out to work out fine. I stepped up my pace towards the end, and had I not run into some problems earlier in the 20-30 range, I would've easily broke 250 again. I'm hoping that I dont choke at region, because a score around here will beat at least 3 flour bluff contenders. And if I can do that, then I should be state bound, BABY!
SC: 152... Not good. I've having problems with the physics section again. The questions they ask dont lend themselves to be entirely easy. I did think that the chem and bio sections were easier than usual though. I advanced to region on the third place ticket. Hopefully I'll do better at region.
CS: 40/5 ---> 200 Pretty good considering how tedious this test was. I mean, I wanted to shoot myself in the face during the middle of that test. I mean, what the hell is Trussell thinking!? There were so many freaking programs we had to read and analyze. I felt like I was taking a freaking Hexco test. ARG! Nevertheless, my score is competitive, and it just may well break me into state.
NS.... 80/17. I didn't know it was possible to miss 17. They need a "stop at 15 incorrect" pity rule. My speed was fine (finished with a minute left)... I just kept screwing problems up and skipped about 4... went back to do the ones I skipped and i wasn't thinking clearly enough to figure em out. I'm pretending this never happened.
CA - 70/16 238 after getting all the way to 70 and skipping only 5 i was hoping to break 300 or get fairly close but apparently i missed a ton of problems. haven't seen my test yet - my goal in january was to be proficient with RPN by district... finished the crunchers on this test in 8:50 which was awesome, although my accuracy may have sucked
SC 57/too many - 214 careless mistakes on chemistry... wasn't thinking on physics.. we might get the wild card to region :\
CS 22/5 don't think I'll be doing this next year - too hard to focus on this when I'm worrying about my ns score and math coming up. The fact that I'm not in a CS class and don't actively study/practice doesn't help. I don't really want to take the regional test but oh well...
Math - 60/5 this was the bright part of the day. I did 59 problems and guessed on the one that I wasnt able to do (due to a small mistake) out of the slim chance that I could get a 360 if i didn't miss any others... cost me two points but oh well :P
Our district's schedule is freaking stupid; they spread all the events out from Tuesday to Saturday. So starting tomorrow, there will be people trickling out everyday and missing afternoon classes. For Pete's sake, I just don't wanna to go to R-F on Fri for CS, I think it'll be pointless because we'll be point-less. It messed up my orthodontic appointment too, I'll have to wear the same pair of aligner for 3 more weeks because it's too late for us to change to any good dates. The only thing keeping me from quitting is my respect for the coach. As to the coming NS tests and all that, I'm trying my best not to think of anything now.
Dont worry Brad. We all have our bad days. Be thankful that you got it all taken care of at district. You'll bounce back, without a doubt! I look forward to seeing you lay ruin to the people in your region in NS, Math and Calc. Keep it up Brad!
good luck to you too.. all your scores seem like they have a good shot at getting top 3 @ the regional meet if you keep it up. keep taking the NS tests
I got back my calc test... missed 4 crunchers and a page 1 geo problem... the problems that i skipped were easy, as well. of course... all the problems seem easy after you take the test. I'm gonna have the UIL Study List completely completed for the regional meet