Wow, Michael's result is up already! The link works for all districts. So far Distric 15 is the only 4A one that's done. But anyway, here's the link for current and later use:
fht wrote: Wow, Michael's result is up already! The link works for all districts. So far Distric 15 is the only 4A one that's done. But anyway, here's the link for current and later use:
I seriously can't believe that Micheal was able to completely sweep his district. Thats insane! He even got calculator by 2 points! The most surprising result in his district however, is the fact that he tied in computer science with his friend Brian for first. He did say that Brian had been studying...
His scores in NS leads me to believe that the NS test will be harder than the State TMSCA test. He didnt appear to finish, so I'm going to expect a slow test. In Math, Calculator and Science his score stayed pretty close to the TMSCA score, so that'll mean that the test difficulty will be the same in each respective test. Comp Sci looks like it might've been kinda hard. Other than Brian and Micheal, the scores seem deflated.
Um, I thk both Zack and I will take District 2. I will go to Rockport for CS on 3-30, and go back there 3-31 to finish off the rest. Good Luck on Saturday, get'm 400s!