I know that this is a stupid question but how do u not make careless mistakes in tmsca? Especially those damn write overs where u right a common fraction and they ask for a mixed number and u write a common fraction then realize its not simplified and go ahhhh ffff... so ya how?
Ha I know it's late, but I just registered on this forum (try texasmath.org to get a faster answer, if you ever see this.)
Practice and the annoying feeling whenever you grade the test will force you to stop. It'll become instinct. I still make stupid mistakes, but few are from mis-reading the question. I can now consistently break 300, although some hard tests and the State test generally get me around 250-299, while the really bad tests get me around 230 or so. I recently made a 400 on Invitational A in 08 in practice, then proceeded to make a 236 on Invitational B, worse than my State score :(.