Someone the other day asked me about skipping problems. I thought I would give my ideas on that. Skipping problems on the number sense test is not a sin like some teachers teach.
If you can do the next problem but not the problem you are on, SKIP IT!!! Afterall, if you get it right, then you gain 1 point. If you only worked the even problems and got every one right, you would make a 40 on the test.
However, don't let that keep you from working on them after the test. If there is a problem you had to skip, find out how to do it so you don't have to skip it next time. There is a fast way to do every problem. So if it takes you a long time, you probably don't know the shortcut. I used to be able to finish a test in only 5 1/2 minutes. If there is something you don't know -- ASK!!!