I am Leo Ramirez. As coach at McAllen High School for 30 years my teams won 20 TMSCA/UIL State team championships in Number Sense and Calculator Applications. I plan to provide some inservices during the summer of 2005. Current plans are for two day workshops with one day focusing on elementary and middle school coaches while the second day will focus on high school coaches. The morning session will be targeting Number Sense and the afternoon session will be targeting Calculator Applications. At the present time I will be in Lubbock on June 29-30, 2005. Check my website at www.rammaterials.com for updates on the workshops or for materials that you can use to prepare your students for UIL competition in Number Sense, Calculator Applications, Mathematics and Science.
I would like to attend your seminar when you come to Austin. Is there anything I need to do or can I just show up? I look forward to hearing from you!!
All I know is that they are having a math institute at the Education Service Center in Austin. They asked me if I could do a one hour presentation on Number Sense for High School teachers. The understanding is that if I spark interest they will contract me to come back during the summer. Check my web site for contact information. Yesterday I made arrangments to be at the El Paso ESC on June 15 - 16, 2005 and the Lubbock ESC on June 27 - 30, 2005. I am currently talking to a representative of Wichita Falls to see if I may do a workshop between March 7 and March 11, inclusive or during the summer of 2005. I hope to be able to do other workshops statewide so just keep looking at my web site (www.rammaterials.com).
I do not know if the Austin ESC would allow people that are not members of the ESC but I have a hunch that if you contact them they will let you come. This is Tamara Ramsey's email at Region XIII in Austin (tamara.ramsey@esc13.txed.net)
As of today I will be doing a presentation at the Austin ESC on July 25 - 27. The first day will be for Elementary teachers, the second for Middle School teachers and the third day will be for High School teachers. I am currently working with the Wichita Falls ESC to see if I may make a presentation on March 8 - 9, 2005. My presentation on March 5, 2005 at the Austin ESC Math Institute has been increased to three hours (one hour for Elementary teachers, one hour for Middle School teachers and one hour for High School teachers. I will be teaching Number Sense shortcuts at the Austin ESC Math Institute. If anyone would like me to make a presentation at their Education Service Center I encourage you to contact them. They can email me at toywiz127@aol.com For more updates on Number Sense/Calculator workshops visit my website at www.rammaterials.com.