Here's the deal. If you found this page and you are in my class, then you have followed the directions I asked. For working really hard on your studying you have earned a free 100 on your test on Thursday. When I hand out the test, write your name on it and hand it in blank. But do not breathe a word of this to anyone. For proof that you have come, simply hit reply in this forum and write me a note saying that you came. Then I will know that you got here without help from others. Without a reply in this forum with your name, you will NOT get a 100 for a blank test, but a 0!!!!!
Also, to get a free 100 you have to turn in the study test completed that got you to this page.
Mr. Jones
P.S. If I find out that you have breathed a word to anyone about this, I will change your grade to a 0 along with the person you told. AGAIN - DO NOT SAY ANYTHING!!!!!!
Mr. Jones!!! you're my hero!!! this is like...the BEST thing everrr! you're the best teacher EVER!! hahahaha! coool. wow...this was totally unexpected. you better not be lying. haha!
i did it in time trust me i installed some software to make it seam like i postd a LOT sooner than i did so add about 20 hrs to the time shown i like my new software so i guess i get a 100, ehhh its ok i would have done better if i actually took the test but im too lazy to earn a 200, a 100 will do i guess. see you tommorow (thursday) in class I wont tell anyone during the test or prior to the test i did my review in invisible ink i hope my handwriting is legible enough, have a good night.
I'll be darn. You guys should have bet me that 10 bucks. I had 1 person do it. Oh yeah, I made you guys that are always on here moderators. Don't abuse the power! LOL!!!